pigeon nesting under solar

Solar panel arrays are ideal nesting sites for pigeons.

One the most common causes of solar productivity loss is pigeons. These pests can cause damage to wiring, your panels, and cause health problems. Pigeon proofing your solar panels can assure uninterrupted production, and prevent respiratory illness. In this article we’ll explore the different methods available. Some of these options vary in effectiveness and affordability, but most are tried and true.

How Pigeons Damage Your Solar Panels

Pigeons, like most birds build their nests with what’s available. Your arrays offer shelter from the elements and predators. These birds collect material such as wiring to build nests. Damaged wiring can obviously create problems with production and function. Another issue is bird droppings. Feces can harbor the dangerous cryptococcosis bacteria which can cause serious respiratory infection. So where are these dung piles ending up? Right on your panels, roof, and even your patio area. A solar panel covered in poop will not be performing to its full potential.

Pigeon Proofing Options

pigeon proofing mesh

Pigeon proofing mesh installed along the perimeter of your solar panels can keep birds from nesting under your arrays.

The most effective pigeon proofing method is installing a perimeter mesh. This mesh is usually made from plastic or metal. A Professional Bird Proofer will install this around all panels to create a barrier. The idea seems straight forward and simple, yet can be expensive. Be sure to check your installers insurance and credentials. While this will stop nesting, it will not stop loitering. For this reason we recommend adding a secondary measure.

fake owl for pigeon proofing

Simulated predators such as a owl or hawk can be a great pigeon deterrent.

To prevent loitering, a fake bird of prey can work wonders. They can be ordered online or purchased at your local hardware store. Birds instinctively recognize these BOP as a threat and move on. These animal mannequins are relatively affordable and come with life-like features such as bobbing heads.

pigeon proofing spikes

While appearing menacing, pigeon spikes are quite humane and effective.

Pigeon spikes are a common sight in the commercial and retail setting. They work by creating an “exclusion zone”. Pigeons are unable to land where they are installed. Pigeon spikes are usually installed on overhangs and roof ridges. Retail locations favor them as their placement is discreet. Home improvement and hardware stores carry these for a reasonable cost.

After Bird Proofing

Once bird proofing is complete, its time to rehab your solar panels and roof. ShinePro Window Cleaning recommends solar panel cleaning and roof cleaning. Our process is to begin with a Soft Wash of your roof. Soft washing disinfects your roof and clears debris. We then finish by washing your solar panels with deionized water emitted from a water fed pole. If you reside in The Greater Palm Springs, California area and Redlands, Beaumont, California area, call today to set up your appointment!

Brandon Scott, COO of ShinePro Window Cleaning.